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Come and free us, come and free us darling,
We ain’t got no time to waste
War is over… War is overrated
We have nothing else to prove

Situation is in motion
It’s getting clearer everyday
It’s pretty hard on our emotions
Messing up with what we’d say

Out of nowhere, out of nowhere it comes
From the past or from The dead
Not from the Cross, well, cross your fingers
Wish us luck my lady grace

Situation is in motion
It’s getting clearer everyday
It’s pretty hard on our emotions
Messing up with what we’d say

I don’t know, I don’t know


One day, I discovered, I found out…
some wolf’s blood was flowing in me
threw the depths of my veins
and I discovered that this thick blood…
because of its strength
was like a thunderbolt to me.

One day I discovered, I found out…
an eagle’s eye was watching me
from the depths of my soul
silently passing through within an instant…
in a sudden gesture,
from the moon to the sun.

I found in my heart the power of the clouds
crossing the sky
without ever knowing what we call here « night and day »
I found in the scream of the first ever living
the rising breath unifying wind, gaze and time,
in order… to open… to open the sun


What should I have given to take you in my arms
What should I have made to brighten your little face
It’s because I don’t play any role in your life
But the shoulder of a friend where sometimes
You deign to calm down, such an oasis
Allowing you to rest on

Well I’m not, I’m not a well collecting your tears
Even if I give in to your charms too gladly, my dear
Which even under your sadness remain so beautiful
But this is too paintful

Because silence is not a remedy to my troubles
Which would be cured only if I shout ’em out loud

Well I’m not, I’m not a well collecting your tears
Even if I give in to your charms too gladly, my dear
Which even under your sadness remain so beautiful
But this is too paintful

Truth is not in the words of the one who says them
But in the emotion he can describe


The first thing that you wanted
Was the first thing that you knew.
All that kept you from waiting
Was the thrill that was to be coming.

The first thing that you wanted
Was the first thing you ever did.
All that was within your reach
Was critically questionable.

All you ever wanted
Was all you always criticized
You could not stand the way you lived,
But change wasn’t even an option

Since you were too lazy to compare,
Too lazy to accept the fact that
All the people around you
Had the lives you had always craved for

First Thing
First Thing

The first thing that you wanted
Was the first thing that you knew.
And the first thing that you wanted
Was the first thing that you did.

Look at you now!
Things have changed
Look at you now!
First thing

The spirit’s gone
And you want us to be all the same
Things are different now
We’ve got all you want
which makes spit on us
Which makes you wanna kill
Which makes you…

Come on, burn your house now!
Come on, pull yourself together
Pull yourself together
Pull yourself together
Pull yourself together
Pull yourself


She’s given up on candour
She’s making out with her brand new brace
She’s got the nob

She’s putting make-up on her face
She’s dressing up like her old mum always does
She’s got the nob

She babysits at her neighbours’
She’s drooling over this poor old dad
She’s got the nob

She wants to be the prom queen
She wants the lights to be on her all the time
She’s got the nob

She always wanna party
And be out every night
Make everyone see …
She never talks about her
Nor even make any friends
She only wants us to see
She’s got the nob



Growin’ up in a little city, in the suburb
Where suburbs are just lovely houses
We could freely ride our bikes along the ways
Singing while the landscape scrolls
Next to the home estate there’s a forest
The best place to build a shack
My 80′ childhood was pretty comfortable
I figure out when I look back

I know… I did not know…

In my bed I would sometimes just think about
Future things tha I would get
Like a job, a house a car and all the common things
According to what I’ve seen then
Didn’t know how that would come but I was confident
I knew this had to be that way
I just had to wait and see and by the way…

Something still remains from where I belong
The feeling is the same while I sing this song
Something still remains because I was blind
There’s plenty of happiness deep in my mind

I know I did not know
So long, a long time ago
I know I did not know
I only grew up the way I’ve used to know
Then I found that the world was not what I’d figured out.

Something still remains from where I belong
The feeling is the same while I sing this song
Something still remains because I was blind
There’s plenty of happiness deep in my mind

’cause people get burned, people get hurted,
People get turned into some heartless beings
From morning to evening
And people like fun, people like sun,
People can laugh at really bad jokes,
That they’re all sharing.



Go, Justin, run run
As if your life were at stake
Keep the pace and the distance
As if you’re trying to escape

Something that went wrong
Somewhat you feel strong
Something that you’re bound to
Somewhere you belong

See the long-distance jogger
See how well he’s dressed,
Keeping tracks of his best times
He’s running away from

Something that went wrong
Somewhat he feels strong
Something that he’s bound to
Somewhere he belongs

Something that went wrong
Somewhat he feels strong
Something that he’s bound to
Somewhere he belongs



Call me, when the night is falling
Call me, when the dogs are out
Call me, when the streets are empty
Call me, when your reading’s done

Call me, when the ocean rises
Call me, when there are no more birds
Call me, when the ground is shaking
Call me, when the lightning strikes
Call me

Call me, when the teacher has lost it
Call me, when the preacher’s dead

Call me, while the uproar’s dormant
Call me, when it comes to an end

Call me, if you’re feeling nervous
Call me, if you can’t fall asleep
Call me, if your head is aching
Call me, if you’ve got no more meds
Call me

Call me, when the grass is greener
Call me, when there’s ice again
Call me, when the future’s ahead of us
Call me, when the creature’s awake
Call me



You don’t limit yourself when you hit for the town
It’s regression time for a while

There’s no time for thinking nor self-consciousness
Your innocence drowns in your booze

As time goes by you ignore all the signs
Of warning that mess up your mind

You reach for the bar for another last drink
But crumple and burst into tears

You rest on the floor looking wild
While a frantic crowd crawls all around

Do you wanna clear up your mind
Is that a way to leave behind

All that you want is a daddy
And all that you need is the motherly love you’ll never get